Saturday 12 March 2011

Unedition: hello blackbird

Watt Space Galleries
April 2009

Exploring the monoprint and monotype as unique print states using the blackbird as a visual motif. The blackbird is that of Wallace Stevens' poem and the prints are physical manifestations of inexact repetition - the unedition of the exhibition title.
"...A long series of monoprints splits the careful atoms and organisms of the past in wild black-and-white spontaneity. Forms take wing. Brush marks accelerate. But the artist's professionalism governs the immaculate artist books. It is a great mix." Jill Stowell (Newcastle Herald, 2009)

Hello Blackbird 2009 (installation detail)
39 print installation of monotypes, monoprints and carborundum collagraph prints on paper
(unique states/test prints/artist's proofs)

Unedition 2009 (detail)
monotype artist's book

Hello Blackbird 2009 (installation detail)
39 print installation of monotypes, monoprints and carborundum collagraph prints on paper
(unique states/test prints/artist's proofs)

Hello Blackbird 2009 (installation detail)
39 print installation of monotypes, monoprints and carborundum collagraph prints on paper
(unique states/test prints/artist's proofs)